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Platform Simplification Update


At Double Tick, we’re committed to streamlining our platform while maintaining robust features that empower you to resolve issues swiftly. We’re excited to introduce new API enhancements and upcoming developer tools that will expedite your communication process.

New API Endpoints for Sending Messages

Text and File Messaging Made Easier
  • Text Messages API: A new POST method has been added at /users/{user_id}/send/text to facilitate the sending of text messages directly to your contacts.
  • File Messages API: Similarly, you can now send files using the POST method at /users/{user_id}/send/file.

These updates remove the need to first understand the Dynamic content feature for simple text and file message interactions, making the process much faster and more intuitive.

Upcoming Features for Developers

Javascript in Flow Builder
  • Next month, we will introduce the capability for developers to run Javascript code directly from the flow builder. This advancement is geared towards enabling the completion of more complex tasks within the platform efficiently.


These enhancements and upcoming features are part of our ongoing effort to make the Double Tick platform more accessible and powerful for our users, reducing learning curves and increasing productivity.

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