Common Errors & Solutions
Messenger/IG: (#100) Message cannot be empty, must provide valid attachment or text – code: 100
This error happens when you are trying to send an empty message block within your flow.

The message block cannot be empty

If the custom field {{Response}} has no value, the error will be generated.
Make sure the custom field has a value
Messenger/IG: (#10) This message is sent outside of the allowed window. – code: 10
You get this error when you try sending a message to a contact outside the 24hrs window. The contact needs to interact with your bot.
You can also get this error when you try to preview a flow when you are outside the 24hrs window. Interact with your bot and try again.
WhatsApp: URL button is not supported
Regular whatsapp flow does not support Url (Opening website). You can only insert a Url in a button on whatsapp template message.
New User: Upgrade to PRO, your bot reached the 10 user limit allowed on the DEMO plan
Demo bot has a limit of only 10 users/contacts
Send SMS: Please connect Twilio account.
You are trying to SMS within your flow when you do not have Twilio or Clicksend account connected to your account.
WhatsApp: {“meta”:{“api_status”:”stable”,”version”:”2.43.2″},”errors”:[{“code”:1008,”title”:”Required parameter is missing”,”details”:”body: Parameter of type text is missing text value”}]}
Parameters in Whatsapp template message is missing. Check the template message you are trying to send.
WhatsApp: {“code”:470,”href”:”https:\/\/\/docs\/whatsapp\/api\/errors\/”,”title”:”Message failed to send because more than 24 hours have passed since the customer last replied to this number”}
Message failed to send because more than 24 hours have passed since the customer last replied to this number
External Request: Fail to execute the request
External request action failed to execute. Check the header and the body of your request.
WhatsApp: {“meta”:{“api_status”:”stable”,”version”:”2.43.2″},”errors”:[{“code”:2012,”title”:”Parameter format does not match format in the created template”,”details”:”header: Format mismatch, expected Image, received Unknown”,”href”:”https:\/\/\/docs\/whatsapp\/faq#faq_1612022582274564″}]}
Check the parameters on your template message. Make sure you provide the appropriate parameters
Messenger/IG: Please go to Settings > Channels and reconnect your Messenger/Instagram bot
You basically need to go to settings >> Channel >> reconnect your messenger or instagram bot (whichever bot that is not responding)
SendMail: SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
Check your login credentials (Email and Password) make sure they are correct.
If you are using gmail and you still get this error even when you are sure the login credentials are correct, Create App password on your google account and use the App password as your gmail password on Chatrace SMTP settings.
You can learn how to create an app password on this link

WhatsApp: There can be no more than 30 product_items across sections.
The maximum number of products that can be shown on whatsapp at a time is 30.
WhatsApp: {“code”:131053,”title”:”Unsupported Image mime type image\/gif. Please use one of image\/png, image\/jpeg.”}
Whatsapp bot does not support Gif. Image type should be png or jpeg.
SendGrid: No email or opted-in to receive email.
Make sure the recipient has a valid email address and opted-in to receive email.
Messenger/IG: (#10) Message failed to send because another app is controlling this thread now. – code: 10
Make sure our App (Doubletick) the primary receiver on your Facebook page (Handover protocol settings)
Disable livechat for the user on both Doubletick inbox and Facebook page inbox (move conversation to done folder)
Messenger/IG: (#100) name_placeholder[buttons][0][url] should represent a valid URL – code: 100
Every URL button/image URL must start with https://
You could find this similar error if you use the wrong URL on the image block also.
Messenger/IG: Error #551 This person isn’t available right now
1 – This error happens if you try to send a message to a person that blocked messages from your page. You can ask the admin to find the user on Page Inbox and try to manually send a message to the user.
2 – This happens if a person commented on your post and the person didn’t interact with your opted-in Message and your page tried to send a message using smart delay, sequences, or Wait/Typing. Below are examples that can cause this problem if you use a similar flow as the commented tool opted-in Message.

Messenger/IG: (#100) Cannot set thread level persistent menu now because another app is controlling the thread – code: 100
This error is happening because you are trying to set a persistent menu when our App is not the primary receiver on your Facebook page.
Make sure our app (Doubletick) is the primary receiver on your Facebook page settings (Handover protocol)
WhatsApp: Invalid catalog Id.
1. Make sure the catalog is connected to Whatsapp manager.
Please check and follow our documentation. We clearly state how to connect the catalog to your whatsapp manager in our documentation.
2. We advise you add your product to catalog via spreadsheet.
Please follow this documentation
WhatsApp: {“code”:1005,”href”:”https:\/\/\/business\/help\/1104628230079278″,”title”:”Additional compliance information for your business and catalog items may be required before being able to send Multi-Product or Single Product messages.”}.
We advise you to add your product to the catalog via spreadsheet.
Please follow this documentation
WhatsApp: {“code”:131053,”title”:”Downloading media from weblink failed with http code 404, status message Not Found”}
This happens mostly when our system cannot download the image/media from the url you provided.
The best approach to this issue is to try with a different image/media url (from a different domain).
WhatsApp: {“code”:131053,”title”:”Unsupported Audio mime type image\/jpeg. Please use one of audio\/ogg; codecs=opus, audio\/mpeg, audio\/amr, audio\/mp4, audio\/aac.”}
The Audio file provided is not supported. Please use a file with mpeg, amr, mp4,aac extension
Messenger/IG: (#100) Upload failed – code: 100
The file you are trying to upload is not supported on messenger. Please try a different file or another file with a different extension.
Google Sheets: {“error”:”invalid_grant”,”error_description”:”Bad Request”}
Disconnect and reconnect your google sheet integration.
Messenger/IG: (#10) You need one time notification permission for this message. To get that go to Advanced Messaging under your Page Settings to request the permission. – code: 10
Before you can send message using messenger notification tag, you need to request one time notification permission on your Facebook page.
Goto your page settings >> Advance messaging. Scroll down you will see the option to request one time notification permission.
SendMail: No email address (TO).
Please check if the contact you are sending an email has an email address.
Check if the {{email}} custom field of the contact has any value.
Messenger/IG: (#200) User does not have sufficient administrative permission for this action on this page. If the page business requires Two Factor Authentication, the user also needs to enable Two Factor Authentication.
You need to have admin permission on the Facebook page before you can Create a persistent menu on the Facebook messenger bot.
Facebook Comment: Facebook comment can only reply with 1 message due to Facebook limitation.
For Facebook comment Automation, You can only reply with a message (Not multiple messages)
You can simply reply with a text that has a button. The button on the text block can connect to other messages in the flow
You cannot use the continue node on the start step.

WhatsApp: (#100) The parameter text[‘body’] is required.
This happens when you try to send an empty message

You cannot send an empty message.
Facebook Ads: Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.
You need to reconnect your bot.