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How “Interacted in Last 24 Hours” Condition Works

Detection: This condition checks if a user has interacted with your chatbot or platform within the last 24 hours. Interaction can include any form of engagement, such as sending a message, responding to a prompt, clicking a button within the chat interface, or any other action that indicates active participation.

Setting Conditions: Based on whether or not a user has interacted within this timeframe, you can set conditions within your chat flow to tailor subsequent interactions. These conditions utilize a straightforward “is: yes” or “is: no” rule to determine the course of action, enabling timely and relevant follow-ups or engagements based on recent activity.

Rules of “Interacted in Last 24 Hours” Condition

  • “Is: Yes” Rule: Applies when a user has interacted with the chatbot or platform within the last 24 hours. If the condition is met, the chatbot can proceed with content or actions that acknowledge or build upon this recent engagement. This might include thanking the user for their recent activity, offering additional information related to their last interaction, or providing timely follow-up questions or offers.
  • “Is: No” Rule: Used when a user has not interacted within the last 24 hours. This rule helps in identifying users who might need re-engagement strategies to draw them back into interaction. The chatbot could send a message with new information, a reminder about incomplete actions, or a special offer to rekindle interest and engagement.

Implementation Example

A chatbot for a fitness app might use the “Interacted in Last 24 Hours” condition to motivate users to maintain their workout routines. For users who have interacted (“is: yes”), the bot might congratulate them on their consistency and suggest the next workout. For those who haven’t (“is: no”), it might send an encouraging message reminding them of the benefits of regular exercise and offering assistance in scheduling their next session.

Best Practices

  • Personalization: Use the information about recent interactions to personalize the conversation further, making users feel seen and valued for their engagement.
  • Timeliness: Ensure that messages or actions triggered by this condition are timely and relevant. Avoid sending repetitive or irrelevant content that might lead to user disengagement.
  • Privacy and Consent: Always respect user privacy and consent, especially when tracking interactions. Be transparent about data collection practices and allow users to opt out if they prefer.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly analyze the outcomes of interactions based on this condition to refine and improve your engagement strategies, aiming for higher user satisfaction and increased interaction rates.