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How “Existing Contact” Condition Works

Detection: This condition checks if a user is already stored in your database or contact list. It determines whether there is existing information on a user, such as their name, email, phone number, or any other identifying data that has been previously collected and saved.

Setting Conditions: Utilizing the “Existing Contact” condition, you can create tailored chat flows based on whether a user is recognized as an existing contact. This segmentation is governed by a simple “is: yes” or “is: no” rule, enabling personalized interactions for new versus returning users.

Rules of “Existing Contact” Condition

  • “Is: Yes” Rule: Applies when a user is identified as an existing contact in your database. This allows for a more personalized chat experience, leveraging the information you already have about the user to enhance engagement and continue building the relationship. For example, you might skip introductory questions or offer content based on their previous interactions or preferences.
  • “Is: No” Rule: Used when a user is not recognized as an existing contact. This triggers a different path in the chat flow, potentially involving welcoming messages, introductory information about your services or products, and prompts to collect essential contact information. This rule helps in engaging new users effectively and encourages them to become part of your contact list.

Implementation Example

For a customer support chatbot, the “Existing Contact” condition can streamline the support process. If a user “is: yes” an existing contact, the bot can immediately retrieve and reference their order history or previous support tickets to quickly address the issue. If the user “is: no” recognized as an existing contact, the bot might start by collecting basic information before proceeding to assist with their inquiry or problem.

Best Practices

  • Clear Communication: Make sure users understand why and how their information is being used. This fosters trust and encourages more users to engage with your chatbot and share their contact details.
  • Privacy and Security: Adhere to privacy laws and best practices in handling user data. Securely store contact information and ensure users can easily access, update, or request the deletion of their data.
  • User Experience: Design chat flows that seamlessly integrate the “Existing Contact” condition to enhance the user experience without making it feel intrusive or repetitive.
  • Continuous Engagement: Use the insights gained from recognizing existing contacts to tailor ongoing communications and offers, encouraging continued engagement and loyalty.