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How “Contact Created Date (minutes ago)” Condition Works

Detection: This checks the elapsed time in minutes since a user’s contact record was created in your database or system. This can help in identifying very recent interactions or engagements.

Setting Conditions: You can set conditions in your chat flow or engagement strategies based on how many minutes ago the contact was created. This allows for immediate and relevant actions or messages to be triggered based on the recency of the contact’s creation.

The “Contact Created Date (minutes ago)” condition is designed to segment or tailor interactions based on how recently a contact was created, measured in minutes. This level of granularity allows for real-time personalization and immediate engagement strategies. However, it’s important to clarify that not all the listed rules (like “contains,” “doesn’t contain,” “starts with,” “ends with”) typically apply to this specific date/time-based condition. These rules are more suited to text-based conditions. For “Contact Created Date (minutes ago),” the applicable rules generally focus on numeric comparisons.

Relevant Rules for “Contact Created Date (minutes ago)” Condition

  • “Is”: Triggers if the contact was created exactly a specified number of minutes ago. This can be used for precise timing after initial contact.
  • “Is Not”: Applies if the contact creation time does not exactly match the specified number of minutes ago, allowing for broad targeting excluding a specific moment.
  • “Greater Than”: Targets contacts created more minutes ago than the specified threshold. Useful for delaying certain messages or actions until the user has had some time to explore your service or platform.
  • “Less Than”: Focuses on contacts created fewer minutes ago than the specified number. This rule is perfect for immediate follow-up actions while the user’s engagement is likely still high.
  • “Greater Than or Equal To”: Includes contacts created at or more than a specified number of minutes ago, slightly broadening the “Greater Than” rule to capture the exact minute count as well.
  • “Less Than or Equal To”: Captures contacts created at or less than a specified number of minutes ago, useful for ensuring no one is missed in immediate follow-up strategies.
  • “Interval”: Selects contacts created within a specific range of minutes ago. Ideal for targeting users in a precise window of engagement.
  • “Not Interval”: Excludes contacts created within a specified range of minutes, allowing you to avoid overloading recent sign-ups or to space out interactions.

Implementation Example

For a chatbot on an e-commerce platform, you might set a condition to engage users who are “Less Than or Equal To 10 minutes ago” with a welcome message and a quick tour of platform features. Alternatively, for users identified as “Greater Than 30 minutes ago,” you might send a follow-up message checking if they need assistance or offer help navigating the platform.

Best Practices

  • Immediate Engagement: Utilize the “minutes ago” condition for rapid engagement strategies, capitalizing on the user’s initial interest.
  • Avoid Intrusiveness: Be mindful of the frequency and timing of messages based on contact creation time to avoid overwhelming new contacts.
  • Test and Optimize: Regularly review and adjust the timing and content of messages triggered by these conditions to optimize engagement and conversion rates.
  • Privacy Compliance: Ensure your use of contact creation timing complies with privacy laws and user expectations, particularly around immediate data usage and communications.