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Get user’s location on WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram

Doubletick provides an excellent tool to quickly request and get your customer’s location via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, and Telegram channels, as you need to get your customer’s location at one point or another in the customer journey.

Doubletick provides two system fields you can use to perform actions on the contact’s geological data.

Request the user’s location

Create an User Input block using any of the supported channels.

Once the user shares his/her location, the user’s entire geographical data (location) will be saved in the custom field you used on the Get User Data block.

  • You can access the entire geographical data (location) in the custom field you used on the Get User Data block (You can access both latitude and longitude)
  • You can access the ‘latitude’ of the last location the user/contact shared on {{last_latitude}}
  • You can access the longitude of the last location the user/contact shared on {{last_longitude}} 


To  get the URL of the user’s location, use the Url below


Note: The URL will work based on the last location shared by the user/contact.