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Ecommerce Overview

Chatbots are conversational tools that perform routine tasks efficiently. They are widely used by businesses across different verticals to ease their workload. Some chatbots are made to answer simple questions, while others can handle even the most complicated requests. Companies use chatbot technology to save time, money & human resources.

Customer support & after-sales are vital areas where most organizations implement chatbots, but there are many more use cases where chatbot plays an important role.

In this article, We will give you an overview of the in-built E-commerce module of the Doubletick platform and how to create a simple E-commerce flow.

Navigate to Menu >> E-commerce.

Here you perform all E-commerce operations, such as 

  • Create products & import products from Meta Catalog & Woocommerce.
  • Create Coupons
  • Manage Orders
  • Manage Vendors
  • View Ecommerce Analytics
  • Manage your E-commerce settings (Payment settings, Checkout settings, Shipping settings, Abandoned Cart settings, Open hours, and many more.