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Combine Messenger Marketing with Email (SMTP)

Doubleclick allows you to use any email services providers to send emails to your subscribers. Normally email services providers provide a feature called SMTP to let you send email from any platform that offers SMTP integration.

It is easy to let your bot send emails to your customers. Follow this step to set up email connection with your email service provider.

Step 1: Connect your email account

1 – Go to Settings > Channels > Email
2 – Choose Email service provider of your choice

If your email service provider is not listed, choose others.

You will need perform additional action if you are using these email service providers.

Gmail: We advise you to use app password as shown in the video above.

Zoho Mail: If you have 2-factor authentication enabled in your account you need to use an application-specific password. Learn more HERE

Step 2: Collect email address and consent

Before you send an email to a user you need to collect his email and the person needs to give you consent to send an email.

Now every user has a field called “Email” that is used for Email marketing. You can ask your users for their email address with “User Input” block and save the user email in the “Email” field.

To save the user consent to send Emails, you need to use the “Set Email Opt-In” action. You can find this action in the “Actions” block. We advise you to use this action when the user presses a button to give consent. Your Email will not be sent if you do not set the user consent using the “Set Email Opt-In”.

Step 3: Send Email

You need to use the email step to email to your subscribers. You will find the email step by clicking on the big “+”.